Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Benefits and Steps of Chin Mudra

The Chin Mudra, also known as Gyan Mudra, can be described as a yogic gesture that represents the unified nature of human consciousness. Yogis also state that this mudra is the gesture of knowledge.

 It is one of the most commonly used gestures with those who meditate or practice yoga regularly.


Both the hands are used to practice this gesture. In order to perform the chin mudra, you should –
  • Form a circle by joining your thumb and your forefinger.
  • Place the nail of your index finger against the soft pad of the thumb
  • Extend the last three fingers of your hands, the palm-side facing upwards
It is important that the palm-side of your hands should face upwards in the receiving pose. If the palm-side faces downward, the gesture becomes the jnana mudra.

When you are meditating, form the Chin Mudra and place your hands on your knees to stimulate the “Nadi”.


Yogis claim that there are many different health benefits that have been associated with the chin mudra, some of which include –
  • Creation of a Pranic circuit, which maintains and redirects the “Prana” or the flow of energy within your body
  • Improvement and increase in concentration, even during meditation
  • Increasing energy and stamina
  • Promotion of better sleep patterns
  • Reduction of common ailments like lower back pain
  • Relieving stress and any unnecessary tension in the body 
  • Stimulation of the energies based at the Mooladhara Chakra
While there are no major side effects associated with the Chin Mudra, it is a good idea to check with a doctor, before practicing the gesture. In fact, do consult your doctor before you practice any yoga pose.

Benefits and Steps of Prithvi Mudra

Yoga Mudras are a set of hand gestures that help to focus and balance the five elements that exist within the human body. The Prithvi Mudra is so called because it helps to equalize the element of Prithvi or earth within the body.

This Mudra is also said to activate the Root Chakra.

Here are the steps of Prithvi Mudra:
  1. The Prithvi Mudra can be performed while sitting down in the Padma Asana (Lotus Pose) or Sukha Asana (Easy Pose) or while standing up straight in the Tada Asana (Mountain Pose).
  2. Touch the tip off the ring finger of each hand to the tip of the thumb. The rest of the fingers should be pointing straight.
  3. Hold this position for some time.
  • The benefits of Prithvi Mudra are many and the pose can be practiced by almost everybody.
  • It helps to balance the different elements inside of the body.
  • The Prithvi Mudra also helps to strengthen the body and alleviates fatigue.
  • It also helps to open the mind and frees it from irrational prejudices and beliefs.
  • Practicing this Mudra also helps to foster self-confidence and belief in the self.
  • One of the prime benefits of the Prithvi Mudra is that it helps those who are seeking spirituality.

Benefits and Steps of Vayu Mudra

Vayu means air and the Vayu Mudra helps to regulate the element of air inside the body.

Yoga mudras are specific hand gestures that help to channel the flow and balance off the different elements inside the body.

Here are the steps of Vayu Mudra:
  1. Press the tip of each index finger onto the mound of your thumb.
  2. Fold your thumb so that it presses down lightly on the bent index finger.
  3. The other fingers should be held straight.
  4. Perform this Mudra for as long as the problem that you are trying to alleviate persists. It can also be practiced for 15 minutes every day to prevent problems relating to the imbalance of the air element inside the body from cropping up.

  • The Vayu Mudra helps to balance the air inside the body.
  • Thus, the benefits of the Vayu Mudra extend to problems such as flatulence and joint pain related to rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis, or gout.
  • This Mudra is also said to help with the uncontrollable tremors experienced by those suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
  • If you feel uneasy after a meal, you should practice the Vayu Mudra while seated in the Vajra Asana (Diamond Pose).
  • It can also be used for pain management for the victims of polio.

Benefits and Steps of Prana Mudra

The concept of Prana or life force is one that is intrinsic to Eastern cultures. It is known by many other names such as Chi or Qui.

Mudras are specific hand gestures that help to regulate the passage of Prana through the body. The Prana Mudra is one of the most important mudras because it helps to activate the dormant energy in the body.

Here are the steps that you should follow to perform the Prana Mudra:
  1. The Prana Mudra should ideally be performed while sitting down in meditative posture such as the Padma Asana (Lotus Pose) or while standing up straight in the Tada Asana or Mountain Pose. However, it can be performed any time that you need a quick pick-me-up.
  2. Keep your eyes closed and focus on your breath.
  3. Bring your hands up to your sides.
  4. Touch the tips of your ring finger and little finger to your thumb. The index and middle finger should be pointed straight.
  5. Feel the life force as it rushes through your body.
  6. The Prana Mudra should be practiced for 15 to 30 minutes.
One of the primary benefits of the Prana Mudra is its ability to make you feel energized when you are fatigued or depressed. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and is good for the eyes.

Benefits and Steps of Gyan Mudra

The word Gyan means wisdom in Sanskrit. Thus, practicing the Gyan Mudra is believed to help instill wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.

This is why the Gyan Mudra is widely used in many yogic meditation poses such as Pranayama. The Gyan Mudra is also known as the Chin Mudra.

The Gyan Mudra should ideally be performed along with meditation asanas. Here are the steps of Gyan Mudra:
  1. Sit down in a meditative pose such as the Sukha Asana (Easy Pose), Vajra Asana (Diamond Pose), or Padma Asana (Lotus Pose). You may even perform the Gyan Mura while standing in the Tada Asana (Mountain Pose) or sitting comfortably on a chair.
  2. Ensure that your back is held straight and your chest and head held up high.
  3. Rest your hands on your knees with your palms facing upwards.
  4. Touch the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb. The rest of the finger should be held straight and parallel to each other. This Mudra is performed with both hands.
  5. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  6. To further enhance the effectiveness of the Gyan Mudra, you may chant the word Om (Aum) in conjunction with every exhale.
One of the main benefits of the Gyan Mudra is its ability to relax the body and focus the mind to the task of meditation. It also helps to relieve stress and transcend worldly problems.

Yoga Mudra Types and Benefits

The meaning of ‘mudra’, which is a Sanskrit word, is ‘closure’ or ‘seal’. Mudra hand positions are physical gestures that have an effect on the energy flow of the body.

The ancient practice of yoga links the hand mudras to the changing spiritual and mental aspects of a person. The mudras are usually finger positions like in the Anjali Mudra, where the hands are kept at the center of the heart.

Practicing the different types of mudras for health is considered good as it provides physical, mental, as well as spiritual benefits. Mudras, also known as hand yoga, typically involves placing the hands and fingers in certain positions as described in the Vedas.

Types of mudras

The various types of mudras are as follows.
  • Gyan mudra: The gyan mudra raises the level of the element vayu or air in the body. This mudra is done by joining together the tip of the thumb and the index finger. 
  • Prana mudra: The pran mudra helps in increasing vitality and in the activation of the root chakrar To perform this mudra, you should keep the tips of your little finger, ring finger and thumb togethere The middle and index finger should remain extended.
  • Vayu mudra: The meaning of vayu is ‘wind’, and this mudra is aimed specifically at getting rid of flatulencee It is said to produce immediate resultsu However, once the problem is relieved you should stop doing the pose
  • Prithvi mudra: This mudra helps in activating the root chakrac The root chakra holds the elemental force of vital energye Some of the benefits of the prithvi mudra are increased energy, inner stability, and strengthening of the mind and body
  • Chin mudra: The chin mudra is used in breathing exercises like Ujjayi Pranayama or in seated meditationd This mudra is effective for lower back pain, reducing stress, and for headaches
  • Apaan mudra: The apaan mudra is a very useful and important mudra that detoxifies the body and then energizes ite Some of the benefits of apaan mudra are for constipation, anuria, and delayed child delivery
  • Surya mudra: The surya mudra helps decrease the earth element and increase the fire element in the body It is effective in regulating the metabolism and body temperature 
  • Shunya mudra: To perform this mudra, you should keep the thumb on the middle finger, while the remaining fingers are kept straight The benefits of this mudra include dealing with numbness in the body, vertigo, deafness, and earaches 
  • Linga mudra: The linga mudra strengthens the immune system of the body and loosens the collected mucous in the bodyc This mudra is also effective for weight loss because of the generation of heat
  • Ganesha mudra: The ganesha mudra symbolizes strength when faced with troublesa You should practice this mudra dailye It helps stimulate the metabolism and digestion
  • Mandala mudra: The mandala mudra is practiced to symbolize the offering of the whole physical universe to the enlightened teachers and Buddha Although this pose is not created by the deities, it is employed extensively in the practice of ritual visualization called ‘mandala offering’
  • Shankh mudra: You can find this mudra in Hindu temples as symbols

    This mudra is very effective for throat problemsv The clasping positioning of the fingers in this mudra simulates a conch shelli
  • Rudra mudra: To perform this mudra, you should keep the tips of the ring finger and index finger on top of the thumbs tipo The other fingers should be comfortably extended 
  • Apan vayu mudra: This mudra is used in heart attacks as first aidh Regular practice of this mudra can help strengthen the heart 
  • Surahi mudra: To perform this mudra, you should join the little fingers of both hands togethern The middle finger and forefinger should also be joined togethero Keep the thumbs free
  • Surabhi mudra: You can perform this mudra thrice a day for 15 minutesr This mudra is effective in dealing with rheumatic inflammation and helps increase intellect
  • Hakini mudra: This mudra helps improve coordination between the left and right hemispheres of the braind You can practice this mudra at anytime and anyplace
  • Bronchial and asthma mudra: These mudras are effective for respiratory conditions. You can practice them for a few minutes consecutively, till the breathing calms down
  • Back mudra: This mudra is very effective for dealing with backache You can practice this mudra with both hands
  • Kundalini mudra: This mudra helps awaken the sexual force and unifies the feminine and masculine. You can practice this mudra thrice a day for 15 minutes
  • Khechari mudra: Practicing this mudra enables the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine This helps bring about a state of well being and calmness
  • Yoni mudra: This mudra is used to bring isolation to your senses and keep you from distractions This can help you look inward with a calm and relaxed mind
  • Jnana mudra: In this mudra, the hands with the palms facing up are kept on the knees in the seated positiont This mudra gives a spacious feeling and uplifts the mind and body

Yoga mudra and five vital elements

Yoga mudra and the five vital elements of the body have a close relationship. The mudras can be used to balance the five vital elements of the body, which are water, earth, ether, air, and fire. Any deficiency or excess of each element can cause a disorder and imbalance in the mind and body. The thumb represents fire, the index finger represents air, the middle finger represents ether, the ring finger represents earth, and the little finger represents water.

Benefits of mudras

The mudras benefit the bio magnetic fields, psyche, body, and mind in many ways. Some of the benefits of mudras are as follows:
  • The mudras clear the psychic centers and subtle channels in the body This allows the life force to flow freely to the various parts of the body
  • The mudras purify the body’s bio magnetic field and shield it from negative forces

Purpose of mudras

The purpose of mudras is to bring about a complete regeneration and transformation of the body-mind principle and an expansion of the consciousness. However, make sure that you consult your doctor before practicing yoga mudras. This is because certain conditions like diabetes can worsen with the practice of yoga mudras.